Friday, December 20, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay - 2404 Words

In what ways is femininity significant in women’s experiences of violence? Discuss, referring to at least 10 academic books/articles in your response. Domestic violence has become an important issue investigated by sociologists in recent years. The heart of the debate concerns identifying risk factors, causes and correlates of this behavior. There are a variety of different focal points when studying this behavior. Domestic violence still remains a big problem in society as it has significant social costs. Feminist sociologists contend that the issues of gender and power are the ultimate root of intimate violence (Dobash amp; Dobash 1979). Other approaches that focus on the sociology of family suggest that patriarchy is just a small†¦show more content†¦The first, Common couple violence is where violence arises over a specific row where one or both partners lash out at the other, in a series of empirical papers Johnson suggests that CCV is not as likely to escalate over time compared with other forms of domestic violence. Intimate terrorism is another type and is where violence is consistently used in a pattern of contro l and has shown to be more likely to escalate over time. This type is also more likely to consist of emotional abuse. Violence resistance, sometimes simply referred to as self defence. Johnson (2000) found that violent resistance was almost entirely perpetrated by women. This type of violence has the least research on it’s nature. When studying domestic violence it is easy to just overlook the type of violent behavior that women experience as domestic violence is a general term covering a variety of different actions. Looking at the different categories of violence in the home it’s clear that there are types that are much more frequent towards women in comparison to men. This is why identifying the type of violence is important when trying to identify causes of the behavior because it can be specifically broken down to be examined. There is a lot of literature that claims to show the symmetry of partner violence if not more common from women, which leads readers of suc h literature to believe men and women are equally abusive. However Johnson (2000) suggests that when looking at such studies, a vastShow MoreRelated Domestic Violence Essay1590 Words   |  7 Pageskinds of domestic violence that not many people know but they have the same importance. 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The confrontational battle between spouses, former spouses, and children has been a hot topic to major media sources. Thousands of women are beaten by their husbands every year, and reports aren’t nearly as close to the incidents that occur. A lot of people wonder what the definite reason is for household abuse. Blog sites have argued the fact of this blazing topic for years, and it continuesRead More Domestic Violence in Society Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pages The Womens Aid federation defines domestic violence as the physical, psychological, sexual or financial violence that takes place within a family type or an intimate relationship, and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. It may involve partners, ex-partners or other relatives. Though the more common view of domestic violence is that it is the behaviour of some disturbed sick individuals. However sociologists have questioned this, saying thatRead MoreWhat is Domestic Violence? 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